For a bird a whim is not a god
Some say birds are freedom
But I don’t tend to agree.
Not in that blunt sense anyway,
Not the Western sense of flying away,
Flying off, untethered,
Unresponsive and lost.
No, for a bird a whim is not a god,
They got it together.
They are patterns
Singing in season
Moving but in tune with the blooms
Of flowers, or perhaps
The pull of a tide,
They ride
The waves. Waves of songbirds in winter
Waves of insects in summer
Songs of seasons,
Birds are patterns,
They keep time
With their forefathers
Singing the old dreams back,
And migration
Not take them
But bring them home,
Back, back to me,
Back to the same hollow in the same tree,
The same rock ledge in the same scree,
They are riders,
They ride the rhythms
Of the world.
No, for a bird a whim is not a god,
Their freedom is not individual,
Rather, woven
As a tapestry,
A ritual.
The freedom to evolve but one
Lyrated plume
Over a million years –
Or to fill our bellies with fish
Then breed in New Zealand.
This freedom,
Not to die
Alone as a butterfly above the Mariana Trench,
This freedom sings us back
Stitching back into the fabric of the land.
Pollinator, Seed-disperser, Frugivore,
Good habits,
Ecological protagonist
The whole world’s beloved. Mm!
That is freedom.